About Porter Stansberry

PorterStansberry.co is owned and operated by Porter & Company, LLC (Porter & Co.).

Porter Stansberry is one of America’s leading financial analysts. 

For almost 30 years, he's been on the frontier of the financial markets, accurately predicting many of the world’s most important economic stories. 

The 1997 emerging market collapse, the Japanese banking crisis of 1998, the Dot-Com blow-up, the demise of General Electric and General Motors, the 2008 financial crisis, and the fall of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are just a few examples. 

Porter warned of these catastrophes – and many others – long before Wall Street or mainstream financial media. 

His research has been featured by almost every major media outlet, used by Presidential advisors and government economists, and read by millions of U.S. investors.

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I love the new newsletter that Porter is putting out for us. He has a way of being ahead of the crowd with his thinking on all things financial. And has a style of writing that makes boring information quite enjoyable to read.

J. McLean, Wichita, KS

Any time Porter talks about the big picture… how to invest smartly for the mid and long term, I listen. I have benefited enormously from his insights and instinct in the past. I’m not going to miss the opportunity now!

Mark F, Delray Beach, FL